What to expect
Hope Church is a Bible believing congregation that seeks to honor Christ in our gatherings. It’s a very casual environment breaking down traditional barriers that sometimes cause people not to feel welcome in a church.
On Sundays mornings, a light breakfast and coffee or juice is provided after the 9:00am service and before the 11:00am service. Childcare is provided for both services.
(For more information on our kids ministry, click here)
On Sundays mornings, a light breakfast and coffee or juice is provided after the 9:00am service and before the 11:00am service. Childcare is provided for both services.
(For more information on our kids ministry, click here)

Sunday Morning
On Sunday morning our worship gathering is at 9:00am + 11:00am. We provide a light breakfast and coffee after the 9:00am service and before to the 11:00am service. This is a great time to gather and fellowship between services. Childcare is available for birth to four years old starting ten minutes before our service begins. Kids five years old to 4th grade worship corporately with us and then are dismissed to class before the message.