2 Peter 1:8-15
2 Peter 1:8-15 (ESV)
Jesus Preached The Kingdom Of God:
Mark 1:14 (NKJV)
Luke 4:43
Luke 8:1
Luke 9:2, 60
Luke 16:16
Acts 1:3
The Apostles Preached The Kingdom of God:
Acts 8:12
Acts 19:8
Acts 20:25
Acts 28:23, 31
What is a Kingdom?
“A Kingdom is a governing influence of a King over his territory, impacting it with His will, His purpose and His intent, producing a citizenry of people who express His culture and reflect His nature.”
A king is never voted into power, A king cannot be voted out of power
A king's authority is by birthright
A king's word is law in his territory
A king personally owns everything in his domain
A decree of the king is unchanging
The king chooses who will be a citizen of his kingdom
The king embodies the government of his kingdom
The presence of the king is the presence of his entire kingdom authority
The king measures his wealth by the wealth of his property
The home of the king expresses his nature; and,
The name of the king is the essence of his power.
Matthew 23:13
How Do We Seek The Kingdom?
Matthew 6:33
Matthew 6:25-34 (ESV)
1. Get To The King!
Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)
Luke 17:20-21
2. Live in the Kingdom, the Kingdom lives in you
2 Corinthians 5:17-21 (ESV)
Ephesians 4:17-32 (ESV)
Luke 9:62 (NKJV)