Daniel 5

May 19, 2024    Will Easler

Daniel 5:1-4 (ESV)

Daniel 4:34-35

Daniel 4:37

Daniel 5:1-21

1. Nebuchadnezzar Acknowledged God

i. He humbled himself

ii. He worshipped and recognized who had put him in power

iii. He recognized who had put the breath in his lungs

Daniel 5:22-23

2. Belshazzar Did Not Acknowledge God

i. He lifted up himself against God

ii. He worshipped other gods

iii. He did not honor the one who put the breath in his lungs

Psalm 150:1-6

Acts 17:24-25

3. The Writing On The Wall

Daniel 5:26-31

Proverbs 3:5-12