Daniel 1:1-8
Daniel 1:1-7 (NKJV)
Daniel 1:8
Theme #1: God Is Sovereign
Daniel 4:17
Theme #2: God Is Sovereign How Do We Live In Babylon?
Daniel 1:8
Matthew 24:15
Daniel 1:1-2
Psalm 137:1-3
Daniel 1:3-4
1 Peter 2:11-17
Daniel 1:5
Daniel 1:6-7
Daniel = "God is my judge”
Belteshazzar = "lord of the Saturn’s treasure” or Protect the Life of the King
Hananiah = "God has favoured”
Shadrach = command of Aku (Spirits of the Dead or Servant of the Moon god), "illumined by Rak," the sun god
Mishael = "who is what God is”
Meshach = ("who is like Shak," the Babylonian Venus)
Azariah = "Jehovah has helped”
Abed-nego = ("servant of Nego," the god of fire)
Daniel 1:8
Psalm 119:9
Romans 14:12-23 (NIV)
Romans 15:1
Whatever a Christian does today he should first purpose in his heart. And that’s the answer to all things that are questionable. If there’s any question in your mind about it, then it is wrong for you to do. Be fully persuaded in your own mind and carry out your conviction with enthusiasm.
There must be conscience. Anything that a Christian looks back upon and has to say, “I wonder if I should have done that?” was wrong for him. It may not be wrong for the next man, so don’t criticize the next man. But, my brother, it was wrong for you.
Are you driving somebody away from Christ by what you are doing? If so, it is wrong.
Christian conduct is not how far you can go before you are wrong, it is what you can do to please your Savior.
Daniel 6:20-22 (NKJV)
Daniel 10:11